Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tonight BrYan and Rexxx are on the silver screen!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Election Trend:

Avoiding plastic surgery is the barnk (our new word) thing to do. Hillary didn't do it, so why should you? Let's all look like this. To your right is a projected picture of Sissy Spacek if she doesn't get work done.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Update: Our show is at 9pm tonight! Skip Grey's Anatomy!

Myspace Profile of the Week!

Hello everyone! Meet our plattest (our new word) fresh friend. Her name is Asian Pie. She has free webcam shows. We think they must be like our free weekly show at Mo Pitkin's about fashion, style and celebrity! We're too busy to catch them - we've been sweeping Tower records for all the deals for our Target India Tour. Look at her outfit. So platt. Thongs and Arms are so hot in Asia right now. It's great to connect with other performers like us on myspace. So professional. Check her out!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Just another reminder:

That we're are so not gay. We support breast cancer awareness because Rexxx has double A implants, but we're completely remeblin (our new word) heterosexuals on the prowl for some sweet kisses from some remeblin ladies. Check out our show tonight at 8p at Mo Pitkins!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Accessory of the Week

Having the sniffles never looked so good. This fall, the common cold is the benkest (our new word) thing to hit the streets. Everyone is getting them. We're been carrying our Louis hanky everywhere just waiting for a little run of the nose to show off our chops. We're going to start licking water fountains if out bodies get rid of the one we have now. So benk! Having a cold makes you sexually unattainable and therefore more desirable to the opposite sex (just a reminder: we're not gay). So go out there stop taking your vitamins, quit sleeping and walk through an infested elementary school then hope for the best.