Oh My God - we've decided to start featuring ulp (our new word) myspace pages that embody the essance of BrYan and Rex. Here is our first page. Meet "F*ck Me, I'm Paris." FMIP is the ulpest thing on myspace. Here are some of his goals. He's 19 years old and he's very P. Hil meets Grieco.
* Get a Job
* Get BellyButton Pierced
* Get a Car
* Graduate From High School
* Go To College
* Get A Job
* Become Successful in whatever I Do
* Get a Apartment Suite on the Top Floor
* Get Married to my "One"
* (Possibly Adpot A Child)
* Live in Europe
* Drive a Vouge (2004 Range Rover)
* Meet Britney Spears
* Find Mr. Right
* Move out of Aspen
* Go to World Music Awards in Monte Carlo w/ my aunt next summer)
* Live life freely
This is how we should live life, no? He's 19 years old and is trying to graduate High School - We took an extra year to get prom kings, alas to no avail. We're pulling for you, FMIP! He has get a job twice but no "Meet BrYan and Rex" on the list - but we'll let that slide. Check out his page. http://www.myspace.com/fashionboi
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