Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Oh My God - have we found a gem for you, he's so hytti (our new word). His name is Yann - not to be confused with yawn. His beats are infectious and oh so hytti! According to his website, "Yann is a citizen of the world, for he grew up traveling the globe, from Paris to New York, Milan to Casablanca." We can totally relate - you never know where you'll find us - East Williamsburg, South Lima, East Afghanistan or where ever a Target is opening.
One of his hytti tracks is "Hunky." Yann is an amazing composer, he found a chic way to make 3 notes sound robotically beguiling. Some of the lyrics are "You keep calling me hot stuff, I know this is just a bluff. I know I can make you horny, You keep calling me hunky" It's like Kerouac, but that hot boxy maidbot, Rosie from the Jetson's saying it from where her heart is programmed. Check out his tracks at www.myspace.com/yannmusic.